Company Mission

Hello there! I am so glad you found this site! This has been a little dream of mine for quite some time now and I'm ready to give it some wings and watch it fly. 
I am Auntie Anna. I do not have children of my own, but as the name clearly suggests, I am an Auntie. I'm Auntie to 21 of the most amazing nieces and nephews you could ever hope to meet. I'm hoping that number continues to climb. :) They range in age from under 1 to 20, and I have so enjoyed watching them grow and learning new things from them as they do so.
One thing I have learned from them is that childhood just doesn't last nearly long enough. One minute, they're running around the yard, laughing and squealing as you playfully chase after them. The next, they're getting their driver's license and going off to college. No, childhood just doesn't last long enough.
I know that it may seem silly to some to try to capture childhood through clothing, but that is one of my goals for this little site. I want to try and make those sweet childhood moments even more special by providing just the right outfit for the occasion whether it's a special event, a holiday, or just a day at the park. May every smile and photo captured as a result be something that lasts well after childhood is over...because it ends all too soon.
That being said, this is still a small site, but I'm hoping it will grow. I hope to be able to add new inventory on a very regular basis. I even hope to have my own clothing line one day soon. So stay tuned. There is more to come. :)
Thank you so much for stopping by!